Woman Breaks and Robs Street Performer

By Raul Martinez-Hernandez
Reported on 28th of September | 2k+ views

In a viral video uploaded to TikTok, a woman is seen disturbing a street performer, breaking his piano and then stealing out of his tip jar. The Insider Look has obtained documents with information about her previous encounters with the law and new details of the case.

New York Post: Commentary of incident between Tommanesha and Andrew


The woman who has been identified by The Insider Look as Tommanesha Shauntae Heard was captured in a viral video to be destroying street performer Andrew Hsu's piano and piano stand in 220 E Clayton St Athens, GA. It is also alledged that she stole a sum of money from Andrew in the ordeal.

Andrew Hsu has since announced on his TikTok account that he is pressing charges against Shauntae, and investigations are currently pending.  

Screenshot of chats between Andrew Hsu and Tommanesha Shauntae Heard, with her apologizing.

Mugshot of Shauntae Heard

Since this occurrence, Andrew Hsu has gone viral on TikTok and has reached the attention of Charlie Puth, who wished him all the best in this unfortunate situation: "I'm sorry that bull shit happened to you" .. "Don't let it ever discourage you from performing, [I know it won't]."

Andrew has also been invited to a Charlie Puth concert for the next time Charlie performs in the U.S again. He is also currently looking for Billy Joel, a famous pianist whose song he was playing when he was disturbed by Tommanesha.

According to documents obtained by The Insider Look from the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, Tommanesha Shauntae Heard is charged with trespassing with interference of property and theft by taking. 

The property taken from Andrew by Tommanesha is valued at $165 U.S Dollars, with an unknown amount of money. Furthermore, this is not the first encounter Tommanesha has had with law enforcement. In late 2022, Heard was charged with 2 counts of Financial Transaction Card Fraud and one count of Theft by Taking/mislaid property.

Both cases are currently pending with the following case numbers:
Case 2023-09250158
Case 2022-10150189

The Insider Look will keep readers updated on any new developments regarding this matter.

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Raul Martinez-Hernandez - Majority Contributor and Researcher